Sorry! Our Services can be only used in Qatar.
*The transfer rates above are indicative only, subject to change and may vary by service or branch. Please contact our nearest branch or Customer Care (44383222 or 44383223) for the latest rates.
* Last updated on 29-Dec-2024 06:22
Our Currency Converter uses the latest rates* to automatically calculate what you can save. Just follow these simple steps:
- Select 'Buy' or 'Sell' or 'Transfer'
- Type the 'Amount' of money you would like to exchange or transfer;
- Choose currency 'From' and currency 'To' and
- Click 'Convert'.
Get competitive rates for money transfers with account credit to banks and cash pick-up around the globe.
We offer you the best quality gold at the most competitive prices.
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We guarantee security at every stage of your money transfer experience. You can rest be assured that your money and information will always be secure with us.
Our talented multilingual land service-oriented staff are ready to assist you. We speak your language.
We have 17 branches across Qatar and growing progressively.
Business remittances and currency exchange? We are happy to assist.
We are always delighted to help.
Our hotline numbers are 44383222 / 3 and you can write to us at also.